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2021-05-18  核学院


姓    名: 牛一斐

职    称: 教  授

电子邮件: niuyf@lzu.edu.cn

办 公 室: 兰州大学二分部现物楼208室

专    业: 粒子物理与原子核物理

研究方向: 原子核理论



2007-2012   北京大学  物理学院  粒子物理与原子核物理   理学博士学位   导师: 孟杰 教授

2003-2007   北京大学  物理学院  理学学士学位


2018.9---至今      兰州大学 99hg1m皇冠   教授、博导

2016.9---2018.9    欧盟极端光基础设施-核物理研究机构(ELI-NP)终身制研究员

2013.11--2016.5    意大利国家核物理实验室     博士后

2012.7---2013.11   中国工程物理研究院流体物理研究所 助理研究员








国际核天体物理学校第16届NIC(Nuclei in Cosmos)学校地方组委会成员








原子核理论:零温和有限温度密度泛函理论 多体格林函数理论 从头计算理论探索

原子核结构:原子核质量 原子核温度相变 原子核集体振动激发 原子核弱相互作用过程

核天体物理:宇宙重元素起源问题(快中子俘获过程)超新星爆发关键核物理问题  双中子星并合相关核物理问题 中子星性质



发表学术论文60余篇,含《Phys. Rev. Lett.》2篇,《Phys. Lett. B》6篇和《Phys. Rev. C》27篇,受到《Rev. Mod. Phys.》《Phys. Rep.》、《Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys》等权威综述期刊文章的正面引用,得到国际理论和实验同行的广泛认可。受邀参与撰写科学出版社《中国学科发展战略·无中微子双B衰变实验》(2020年)和World Scientific出版社原子核物理国际评论系列丛书《Relativistic DensityFunctional forNuclearStructure》(2016年)以及《核物理国际评述》丛书第10卷《原子核结构的相对论密度泛函》的原子核集体振动模式章节。


(1)A. Ravlic, Y. F. Niu*, T. Niksic, N. Paar, and P. Ring, Finite-temperature linear response theory based on relativistic Hartree Bogoliubov model with point- coupling interaction, Phys. Rev. C 104, 064302 (2021).

(2)A. Ravlic*, E. Yuksel*, Y. F. Niu, and N. Paar*, Evolution of β-decay half-lives in stellar environments, Phys. Rev. C 104, 054318 (2021).

(3)A. Berceanu, Y. Xu, and Y. F. Niu*, Temperature e?ects on neutron-capture cross sections and rates through electric dipole transitions in hot nuclei,  Phys. Rev. C 104, 044332 (2021).

(4)W. L. Lv, Y. F. Niu*, and G. Colo,  Learning about the structure of giant resonances from their γ decay, Phys. Rev. C 103, 064321 (2021).

(5)D. Vale, Y. F. Niu, and N. Paar*, Nuclear charge-exchange excitations based on a relativistic density-dependent point-coupling model, Phys. Rev. C 103, 064307 (2021)

(6)Z. Z. Li, Y. F. Niu*, W. H. Long, Electric dipole polarizability in neutron-rich Sn isotopes as a probe of nuclear isovector properties, Phys. Rev. C 103, 064301 (2021).

(7)J. H. Bai, Z. M. Niu, B. Y. Sun, Y. F. Niu*, The description of giant dipole resonance key parameters with multitask neural networks, Phys. Lett. B 815, 136147 (2021).

(8)A. Ravlic, E. Yuksel, Y. F. Niu, G. Colo, E. Khan and N. Paar, Stellar electron-capture rates based on ?nite-temperature relativistic quasiparticle random-phase ap- proximation, Phys. Rev. C 102, 065804 (2020).

(9)Jia Liu, Yi Fei Niu, New magicity N = 32 and 34 due to strong couplings between Dirac inversion partners, Wen Hui Long, Phys. Lett. B 806, 135524 (2020).

(10)E. Yuksel, N. Paar, G. Colo, E. Khan and Y. F. Niu, Gamow-Teller excitations at ?nite temperature: Competition between pairing and temperature e?ects, Phys. Rev. C 101, 044305 (2020).

(11)Z. M. Niu*, J. Y. Fang and Y. F. Niu Comparative study of radial basis function and Bayesian neural network approaches in nuclear mass predictions , Phys. Rev. C 100, 054311 (2019).

(12)Z. M. Niu, H. Z. Liang*, B. H. Sun, W. H. Long, and Y. F. Niu , Predictions of nuclear beta-decay half-lives with machine learning and their impact on r-process nucleosynthesis , Phys. Rev. C 99, 064307 (2019).

(13)J. Geng, J. J. Li, W.H. Long*, Y. F. Niu, and S. Y. Yao, Pseudospin symmetry restoration and the in-medium balance between nuclear attractive and repulsive interactions, Phys. Rev. C 100, 051301 (2019).

(14)W. Zhang, and Y.F. Niu*, Critical temperature for shape transition in hot nuclei within covariant density functional theory, Phys. Rev. C 97, 054302 (2018).

(15)Y. F. Niu*, Z. M. Niu, G. Colo, and E. Vigezzi , Interplay of quasiparticle-vibration coupling and pairing correlations on β-decay half-lives, Phys. Lett. B 780, 325 (2018).

(16)Haozhao Liang*, Yifei Niu*, and Tetsuo Hatsuda* , Functional renormalization group and Kohn-Sham scheme in density functional theory, Phys. Lett. B 779, 436 (2018).

(17)W. Zhang, and Y. F. Niu*, Shape transition with temperature of the pear-shaped nuclei in covariant density functional theory, Phys. Rev. C 96, 054308 (2017).

(18)W. Zhang, and Y. F. Niu*, Shape evolution of 72,74Kr with temperature in covariant density functional theory, Chin. Phys. C 41, 094102 (2017).

(19)E. Yuksel*, G. Colo, E. Khan, Y. F. Niu, and K. Bozkurt, Multipole excitations in hot nuclei within the finite temperature quasiparticle random phase approximation framework, Phys. Rev. C 96, 024303 (2017).

(20)Z. M. Niu*, Y. F. Niu, H. Z. Liang*, W. H. Long, and J. Meng, Self-consistent relativistic quasiparticle random-phase approximation and its applications to charge- exchange excitations, Phys. Rev. C 95, 044301 (2017).

(21)Y. F. Niu*, G. Colo, E. Vigezzi, C. L. Bai, and H. Sagawa, Quasiparticle random-phase approximation with quasiparticle-vibration coupling: Application to the Gamow-Teller response of the superfluid nucleus 120Sn, Phys. Rev. C 94, 064328 (2016).

(22)Z. M. Niu*, B. H. Sun, H. Z. Liang, Y. F. Niu, and J. Y. Guo, Improved radial basis function approach with odd-even corrections, Phys. Rev. C 94, 054315 (2016).

(23)Z. Y. Wang, Y. F. Niu, Z. M. Niu*, and J. Y. Guo, Nuclear β-decay half-lives in the relativistic point-coupling model, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys.43, 045108 (2016).

(24)Y. F. Niu*, Z. M. Niu, G. Colo, and E. Vigezzi, Particle-vibration coupling effect on the β-decay of magic nuclei, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 142501 (2015).

(25)Y. F. Niu*, G. Colo, and E. Vigezzi, Gamow-Teller response and its spreading mechanism in doubly magic nuclei, Phys. Rev. C 90, 054328 (2014).

(26)J. S. Zheng, N. Y. Wang, Z. Y. Wang, Z. M. Niu*, Y. F. Niu, and B. Sun, Mass predictions of the relativistic mean-field model with the radial basis function approach, Phys. Rev. C 90, 014303 (2014).

(27)Y. F. Niu, Z. M. Niu, N. Paar, D. Vretenar, G. H. Wang, J. S. Bai, and J. Meng*, Pairing transitions in finite-temperature relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov theory, Phys. Rev. C 88, 034308 (2013).

(28)Z. M. Niu*, Z. L. Zhu, Y. F. Niu, B. H. Sun, T. H. Heng, and J. Y. Guo, Radial basis function approach in nuclear mass predictions, Phys. Rev. C 88, 024325 (2013).

(29)Z. M. Niu, Y. F. Niu, H. Z. Liang, W. H. Long, T. Niksic, D. Vretenar, and J. Meng*, β-decay half-lives of neutron-rich nuclei and matter flow in the r-process, Phys. Lett. B 273, 172 (2013).

(30)Z. M. Niu, Y. F. Niu, Q. Liu, H. Z. Liang*, and J. Y. Guo, Nuclear β+/EC decays in covariant density functional theory and the impact of isoscalar proton- neutron pairing, Phys. Rev. C 87, 051303 (2013).

(31)D. Vretenar*, Y. F. Niu, N. Paar, and J. Meng, Low-energy isovector and isoscalar dipole response in neutron-rich nuclei, Phys. Rev. C 85, 044317 (2012).

(32)Y. F. Niu*, G. Colo, M. Brenna, P. F. Bortignon, and J. Meng, Gamow-Teller response within Skyrme random-phase approximation plus particle-vibration coupling, Phys. Rev. C 85, 034314 (2012).

(33)Y. F. Niu, N. Paar, D. Vretenar, and J. Meng*, Stellar electron-capture rates calculated with the finite-temperature relativistic random-phase approximation, Phys. Rev. C 83, 045807 (2011).

(34)Y. F. Niu, N. Paar*, D. Vretenar, and J. Meng, Low-energy monopole and dipole response in nuclei at finite temperature, Phys. Lett. B 681, 315 (2009).

(35)N. Paar*, Y. F. Niu, D. Vretenar, and J. Meng, Isoscalar and isovector splitting of pygmy dipole structure, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 032502 (2009).



2021.10.  Technical Meeting on Arti?cial Intelligence for Nuclear Technology and Applications  Online, 2021.10.25. - 10.29.  

2021.9.     原子核第一性原理计算与弱相互作用过程研讨会  Chongqing, China 2021.9.23. - 9.26.

2021.7.     原子核中的电磁性质理论研讨会 Changchun, China 2021.7.16. - 7.17.

2021.5.     无中微子双贝塔衰变研讨会 Zhuhai, China 2021.5.19. - 5.23.

2020.12.   SLEGS-2020 光核物理研究及伽马源应用研讨会 Shanghai, China 2020.12.7. - 12.8.

2019.12.   First workshop on NνDEx Lanzhou, China 2019.12.14. - 12.15.

2019.10.   第4届西北地区理论物理前沿学术研讨会 Yinchuan, China 2019.10.18. - 10.21.

2019.10.   第17届全国核物理大会 Wuhan, China 2019.10.8. - 10.12.

2019.1.   RIBLL合作组第14次会议 Zhuhai, China 2019.1.4. - 1.7.

2018.11.   无中微子双贝塔衰变机制和核矩阵元计算研讨会  Lanzhou, China 2018.11.16. - 11.19.

2018.10.   Workshop on Neutrinoless Double Beta Decays and Other Science Frontiers of Low Background in Underground Labs Shanghai, China 2018.10.15. - 10.16.

2018.6.   International conference on nuclear structure and related topics Burgas, Bulgaria 2018.6.3. - 6.9.

2018.5.    Workshop on   "Recent Developments in Nuclear and Hadron Physics Hefei, China 2018.5.26. - 5.29.

2018.5.   Chengdu-CUSTIPEN workshop on theory of rare nuclear decays Chengdu, China 2018.5.13. - 5.18.

2017.9.   XXIV Nuclear Physics Workshop “Marie & Pierre Curie” Kazimierz Dolny, Poland 2017.9.20. - 9.24.

2017.9.   Advanced many-body and statistical methods in mesoscopic systems Busteni, Romania 2017.9.4. - 9.8.

2017.6.   China-Japan collaboration workshop on ”Nuclear mass and life for unravelling mysteries of r-process, Ksukuba, Japan 2017.6.26. - 6.28.

2017.6.   Interdisciplinary Symposium on Modern Density Functional Theory Wako, Japan 2017.6.19. - 6.23.

2017.5.   The 12th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics“Current Problems and Prospects for Nuclear Structure” Ischia, Italy 2017.5.15 - 5.19.

2017.3.   Workshop Spin-Isopin excitations and related nuclear structure problems Milan, Italy 2017.3.13. - 3.14.






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